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Stainless Steel Liquidtight Flexible Conduit

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Stainless Steel PVC-Jacketed LFMC


Liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC) provides a flexible and liquidtight means of protecting wiring and cable when making connections to rigid electrical systems.

Gibson Stainless offers the PVC-jacketed stainless steel liquidtight flexible conduit in any length with deburred ends.



  • Core: 316 SS
  • Jacket: Flexible PVC

Made in USA

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Stainless Steel Antimicrobial, Food-Grade PVC-Jacketed LFMC


Liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC) provides a flexible and liquidtight means of protecting wiring and cable when making connections to rigid electrical systems.

Designed for the food and beverage industry, this style of LFMC has an antimicrobial FDA approved compound jacket with a Type 316 SS core. 

Gibson Stainless offers the liquidtight flexible conduit in any length with deburred ends.



  • Core: 316 SS
  • Jacket: Flexible PVC (FDA Approved Compound)

Made in USA

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